Get Ready

Our mission is to ensure you have all the tools
necessary to enjoy your vacation with us

We’ll give you all the information you need – from party themes to an entertainment preview – well before your vacation begins. In addition, we’ll engage with you throughout your pre- and post-vacation experience. You’ll help us design and implement our trip-specific charitable initiatives. And in Choose-Your-Own-Adventure-style contests, you’ll also help write part of the script for your VACAYA cruise or resort vacation.

Approximately 120 Days Before Your Trip

We’ve been working for months pulling everything together for you and we can’t keep it in any longer! If you’re like us, we know you’re itching to start getting ready for your trip. So approximately four months before your vacation, we’ll announce our party themes for our big-ship and resort vacations. We want to take the stress out of scrambling at the last minute to figure out what to wear, so you’ll have plenty of time to start thinking about and shopping for your fabulous individual and group costumes. Of course costumes are never required, but without question, they add to the fun!

Approximately 45 Days Before Your Trip

VACAYA Big-Ship Cruises: Approximately 45 days* before your cruise is when the countdown to your vacation really begins! We’ve submitted our final manifest to the cruise line and your official Booking Number will be generated and provided to you 45 days out. Your Booking Number is the key to pulling everything together in advance, including making spa appointments, reserving shore excursions, and finding just the right time to enjoy one of our fine dining specialty restaurants. And, of course, if you’re not a planner, you’ll have the opportunity to book many of these extras onboard. But remember… nearly everything is based on the first come, first served rule, so you’ll want to get ‘em while the gettin’ is good!

VACAYA Resorts & Tours: For our resort and tour programs (which don’t have a “Booking Number” equivalent), we’ll release program-specific information approximately 45 days prior to the vacation event.

VACAYA Small-Ship Cruises: For our small-ship programs (which vary greatly depending on the cruise line we’re working with), we’ll release program-specific information approximately 45 days before your vacation.

For a deeper understanding of the differences between our Big-Ship, Small-Ship, and Resorts & Tours experiences, EXPLORE HERE.

The Final Countdown

In the last 30 days before your trip is where we know you’ll begin to BURST with excitement as we share an Entertainment Preview and the activities that’ll bring your VACAYA experience roaring to life!

Be sure to keep a close eye on your Inbox during this period. We’ll be communicating important information to you via email that will most certainly enrich your trip. In addition, your trip’s Get Ready page (which you can access by clicking on your trip from the list below) is your go-to-source for all important information regarding your vacation. An Email Archive is also located on each Get Ready page. We store all of our service emails to guests in this archive. So, if you’re struggling to find an old email, you can always look here to get up-to-speed. 

*Please note:
VACAYA partners with all the major cruise lines and some do not open online registration until closer to the sail date. We will, of course, communicate this to you from the very start if that’s the case with a particular program. You’ll have a full understanding of the anticipated timeline from the moment you book with us.

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